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Your donations support the following activities and initiatives. 
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This initiative focuses on refugee and non-refugees’ individuals and families living in a state of remarkable vulnerability including victims of natural calamities are mainly assisted in aid relief, livelihoods and capacity building.  With livelihoods and capacity building, HEM helps vulnerable people with financial training and vocational training (handcraft, tailoring, etc.) and thereafter gives them start-up support for their family businesses.


This project focuses its intentions on the African child and youth, future pillar of sustainable development. The child is the foundation of the society. As the Bible says “Train up a child in the way he/she should go: and when he/she is old, he/she will not depart from it” (Prov.22: 6).

A child needs much attention at the childhood stage for his/her better future of his/her family and the whole society.   Developing a child involves teach him/her to know God, to love Him and to learn how to serve Him for the goodness of the community. The child also learns the culture of saving so that he/she grows-up with. The child learns the appropriate small technologiesfor his/her development and the sustainable development of the community.

With unity, love and cooperation, a child grows-up in an environment which helps him/her to solve his/her problems up to his/her advanced level of youth where a platform of learning their rights and duties, broaden their horizons and learn to express themselves is created.


The new face for African woman initiative  helps African women to have self-esteem, to be self-confident, to be able to earn, own and use money, and to share in decision-making within the family and in social institutions.


Therefore, HEM helps women to overcome poverty and build sustainable community.


Under this initiative HEM is focusing on long-term and sustainable results. The project addresses the problems of youth and other members of the community. At this level, HEM helps youth to expand their capabilities by promoting creativity and innovation matching with their talents and vocations. Then, HEM helps them start new projects and to be prepared to their future and the future of their families. So, HEM organizes seminars, conferences, professional training, and study trips to equip them with wide knowledge and skills needed in their lives. Lastly but not the least, HEM provide start-up capital to the youth at the end of the professional training and follows up to make sure that their visions becomes realities.

On the other hand, HEM using Focus Business School (FBS) Courses offers business training within many groups, focusing on the “Saving Culture” and the “hard and smart work”. By this, we have initiated and supported Saving and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) for youth and women in order to give them opportunity to have capital start-up and to gain business management skills for the bright future of their families.

In the field of environmental protection and promotion of nutrition, which is in the centre of our lives; HEM promotes fruit trees plantation. This has a double function: to protect our environment and improve diet.   



We offer other various business training to many people from different organization, cooperatives, associations and groups in order to promote their business and projects.

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