World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honour refugees around the globe. It falls each year on 20 June and celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. Hope for Eternity commenorates World Refugee Day with a special thank you letter ( can be downloaded from our blog) all donors and supporters of the Refugee Total Orphans Project as started in July 2020.
To learn more concerning World Refugee Day and the challenges that exists around the world you may visit the UNHCR site by clicking here.
Effective January2024 we are pleased to announce that Pastor Damie Gakuru has assumed the position of Executive Director of Hope for Eternity Ministry in Uganda. Pastor Gakuru is well known by HEM and will make an excellent addittion to the organization. Pastor Gakuru replaces Pastor Bonaventure Dusabumuremyi, who has relocated to Canada early in 2023.
Pastor Bonaventure, the Executive Director of HEM, wishes to extend congratulations and his sincere thanks to all those involved in Hope for Eternity Ministry. You are encourage to read his full letter by clicking here. As well a special five minute anniversary commemorative video has been prepared and may be views by clicking the image below. Additional photos and content will be posted on the HEM Blog page in future.
You may see older news below and on our blog page
Growing Food Insecurity Among Refugees In Uganda
July 2022
Today, Uganda is the top refugee-hosting country in Africa. With the arrival of over 71,000 individuals from the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan since the start of the year, needs are great.
https://ug.usembassy.gov/remarks-by-u-s-ambassador-to-ug-natalie-e-brown-united-states-provides-humanitarian-assistance-in-uganda-amid-global-food-crisis/ (office of the Prime Minister)
August 2022
This time, a confluence of two concurrent events – drastic reduction in food relief and a rapid surge in inflation – have brought South Sudanese, Congolese and other refugees living in Imvepi Refugee Settlement and other camps close to the brink of starvation.
August 2022
Uganda already hosts the largest refugee population in Africa (1.5 million) and the third largest in the world. The Karamoja area, in Uganda’s northeast, is currently facing the devastating consequences of the drought affecting the Horn of Africa – often described as “the worse in a generation.”
More than 500,000 people are in urgent need of food assistance, with around 100,000 children and pregnant and lactating women being acutely malnourished.
August / September 2022
Some women reported only eating every second day, because of a lack of food. (Pastor Bony).
Related Effects:
- Refugees desperate for food are returning to their war-torn countries to find food for themselves and their families. Usually there is no news or persons are reported being killed.
- Malnourishment, disease, stunted growth and even death.
- Suicide rates up 37% over 2021.
Food Crisis in Refugee Settlements in Uganda
During April, 2022 two babies passed in the Nakivale refugee settlement in Uganda from malnourishment. You can see their photos (page 21) as well as our Pastor's full HEM April 2022 Activity Report by clicking here. A woman also fell suddenly from weakness due to hunger during church service on May 8, 2022. These are only isolated examples of what is now happening in refugee settlement in Uganda, and elsewhere in Africa.
To learn much more about just how serious this crisis is you may wish to see a recent report prepared by Vanguard News Uganda. The report can be accessed by clicking here. The food crisis is only expected to worsen given the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in Ukraine. To learn exactly how this conflict affects food supply in Africa and around the world today and in future check this May 13, 2022 news video discussion from ALJAZEERA by clicking here:
You heart felt support is MOST URGENTLY requested. One time or monthly donations (all are greatly appreciated) can be made by going to our donations page by clicking here. Thank-you for your interest and your support for this most urgent need!
July 3, 2021 News Post URGENT
Additional Covid19 Lockdown Measures Expected to Create More Hardship for Ugandan Refugees
In addition to the June 19, 2021 6 week 19 measures announced for all of Uganda as part of the second major country wide lockdown (see Post June 20 below), further lockdown measures for refugee settlements were announced on June 22, 2021. Included below is the communication from the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) regarding implementation of COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) within the refugee settlements and communities, as per the directives referenced by His Excellency, the President of Uganda.
The additional measures focus on further limiting travel to refugee settlements, limiting activities in settlements (including the further reduction of partner organization onsite staff to as low as 10%), together with new required clearances for vehicles carrying critical staff in emergencies by refugee partner organizations.
June 27, 2021 News Post URGENT
Letter from the HEM Executive Director
Is the Holy Spirit Calling YOU?
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Hope for Eternity Ministry (HEM) remains committed to supporting vulnerable baby total orphans in Uganda. Thus, I am still calling on everyone to partner with us, to donate, to support, or even to just connect with us. You may be the first, which the finger of the Holy Spirit is pointing at, to partner with HEM.
Please, hear and act on what the Holy Spirit is saying to you.
Jesus gave life to all the world including you. Please, remember this and try to save the life of at least one refugee baby total orphan in Uganda.
I'm also requesting you to open the link below (it is virus checked) to know more about HEM, myself and the refugee total orphans project. This video (16 minutes) was prepared by an HEM advocate called Terry MacDonald, who is from Canada.
Thank YOU and May God Bless YOU,
Pastor Bonaventure DUSABE
HEM Executive Director
June 20, 2021 NEW Post
Another Country Wide Lockdown Has Just Been Ordered
June 19, 2021 — Uganda President Yoweri Museveni orders a new tougher 6-week lockdown restriction as cases of covid-19 continue to rise for the East African nation. On Friday he declared a public holiday for the nation to pray for a reversal of the pandemic. This comes as Uganda sees an unprecedented surge in COVID-19 cases. As transport and movement require permission, shops and other non-food stores are closed. Food vendors are finding it very difficult and often impossible to transport produce. Blood supply in hospitals is severely restricted. Vaccines are not expected to be generally available for most Ugandans and refugees until August. New daily cases and deaths are being reported cross the country. The risk color for the country is now red.
June 20, 2021 New Post
World Refugee Day - June 20, 2021 & Emergency Funding!
The United Nations theme of World Refugee Day this year is "Together we can achieve anything". The tag lines also include: "Together #withrefugees" and "Together we heal, learn and shine",
HEM needs your help be it $10, 20, 50 or more to assist the growing plight faced by refugees in its care. Sadly - because of the various factors associated with the Covid 19 spread, the supply of funding for refugee aid has dropped substantially, such that the need for aid is now far outstripping the supply. We have had more than a 200% increase in refugee orphans over the previous year. We are now struggling to help support more than 300 refugee orphans. At the same time our funding has reduced by close to 30 percent. Without vaccinations, Covid 19 continues to threaten the lives of all refugees in Uganda including those that we work and care for on a daily basis.
May 17, 2021 News Post
Credit Card Donations Now Possible Via GT Bank
Donations directly to HEM in US Dollars and in Ugandan Shilling are now possible. Donations in support of HEM's humanitarian work may now also be made using GT Bank Uganda. It is the second option under the Donation main menu.
Oct 3, 2020 News Post
HEM September 2020 Activities Report
In addition to managing the care giving for refugee orphans project, HEM is also very active in a number of care and support development initiatives for the most vulnerable. Each month Pastor Bony provides an online update complete with photos and statistics of those activities. The HEM Sept 2020 activities report is now available. Please click here to access it.
Sept 15, 2020 New Post
Launch of Refugee Total Orphan Fund-Raising
An international Zoom meeting was held during the evening of Tuesday Sept 15, 2020. The launch meeting was attended by Bonaventure Dusabumuremyi (also known as Pastor Bony), Executive Director of Hope for Eternity Ministry or HEM (Kampala, Uganda), and with Daniel Zopoula, CEO of Bridges for Hope or BoH (Lethbridge, Canada) joining in. In addition, eight to ten attending online, Pastor Glen Povey, and more than a dozen members of Morning Star Ministry Church (Regina, Canada) also attended. The meeting highlighted the urgent need for funds especially for food and medication for refugee orphans in the Kyaka II settlement camp.
More help is urgently needed because of Covid19 and the reduction in international aid funding, coupled with the rising number of refugee orphans. Note: The secure electronic donation link is now operational and may be accessed by clicking here. Participants were asked to help by chipping in whatever they can as soon as possible. They were also encourage to share this new and the HEMAfrica.org website their friends and co-workers.
In spite of a minor technical glitch the launch was held as planned. The gathering was faciliatory by Terry MacDonald, HEM Refugee Orphans Project Manager (Regina, Canada). Prayers for the orphans, and the fund-raising project were given by Pastor Glen Povey, and Associate Pastor Attila Csakany of Morning Star Ministries.
September 11, 2020 News Post
Sept 15, 2020 HEM Refugee Orphan Campaign
In just 4 more days will will begin the start of a one year fund raising campaign. Funding is urgently need to help support orphans in refugee settlements in Uganda who at this time are in dire need of funds for food and medicines. Funds raised are to provide food, clothing (and diapers), and medicines to as many children as HEM can support. With covid19 the amount of aid available has reduced, while the needs (and the expenses) have increased. The number of orphans has also increased over the past few months. Our projects aims to help those refugee orphans of five years and less. Click here to lean more and go to our DONATE page. Please check in again for further detail in the future.
August 8, 2020 News Post
Aug 15, 2020 Donor Funding Campaign Launch
Terry MacDonald, HEM's project manager in Canada indicates that while various details are still to be worked out, donor funding can and will officially kick off on September 15, 2020. The funds raised are to provide food, clothing (and diapers), and medicines to as many children as HEM can support. Those most in need are total orphans of five years and less. Please check in again for further detail at that time!
July 2, 2020 News Post
Donor Funding Partnership Announcement
HEM is pleased to announce following a due diligence process that they are partnering with Bridges of Hope International (BoH) in undertaking a fund raising campaign for refugee orphan children. While there are still many things to be put in place and details to be worked out everyone is excited to be moving forward in this effort. Certainly this is an important milestone in HEM's humanitarian aid work. HEM also is pleased to report Terry MacDonald, of Regina, Sk Canada, has agreed to serve as their project manager and liaison for this work.
Over the next 4-6 weeks Terry will be working with HEM and BoH developing detailed organizational, technical, and campaign plans for engaging with donors for the fund raising effort. Certainly there is a great deal to do and to learn. Terry will also be looking for interested volunteers to work with him in the project. The initial project budget is $30,000. Raising this amount during these uncertain times will no doubt be a challenge, but one that can be achieved by people working together and sharing.
During the first half of 2020 international humanitarian aid has fallen by roughly a third in Uganda. Aid funding is expected to continue falling throughout the year. Many of the international aid organizations (both large and small) have recalled their field workers thus further compounding getting what help there may be available, to those depending on it. During July 2020 it is reported that as many as 10,000 additional refugees will be arriving in Uganda from the Congo (DRC) seeking safety from conflict. Currently there are some 1.35 million refugees resident within Uganda, east Africa. Reports show that more than 80% of all refugees in the country are women and children.
June 20, 2020 News Post
World Refugee Day - June 20, 2020 & Funding!
Everyone can make a difference, says the world body and it is the responsibility of each one of us to make sure that no one is left behind. The focus is to bring about changes to make the world more inclusive.
HEM needs your help be it $10, 20, 50 or more to assist the growing plight faced by refugees in its care. Sadly - because of the various factors associated with the Covid 19 spread, the supply of funding for refugee aid has dropped substantially, such that the need for aid is now far outstripping the supply.
May 5, 2020 News Post
HEM Commemorates 7 Years of Service
On May 5 through May 12, 2020 Hope for Eternity Ministry paused to commemorate seven years of service to the Lord, and to his children. To follow the steps year over year and each day of EMMISION, you may click on each of the gold buttons below.
We give thanks to the Lord for his care and his mercy during each of these years. We acknowledge the wonderful support given by our workers and others. We especially celebrate the contributions made by the many members of the churches of the Hope for Eternity Ministry.
April 21, 2020 News Post
While most people are OK in Uganda, and there are only a few cases at this time, because of the lock down, in the refugee settlements supported by HEM, there is much suffering, especially for orphans. Other support organizations have left the camps and the already limited funding for foodstuffs have reduced by a further 30 percent. Here at this time personal travel is very restricted, so just getting by is growing increasingly difficult. We ask those learning of our situation to please pray for us and to pray especially for those in our care.